Are you ready to Step into your healing power and remember who you really are?
ready to ignite your divine soul purpose?
ready to heal and be unfuckwithable?
Kirsi Englund is a rebel soul, who hates rules. She is a Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, REIKI Master Teacher and a published Author. She will help you heal, to break FREE from ancestral patterns, to open your heart and ignite your Soul Purpose. The best part is that YOU get to be the real you, no need to hide your true colours anymore.
She is also a mother of two wonderful kids, a business-owner, and a caring wife. She loves luxury, sparkling wine, travel and to have fun.

Her message to the world is that everyone, including you, can create the life you want, by being the real, authentic and UNAPOLOGETIC version of you. It is time to stop pleasing other people and remember WHO you truly are and WHY you are here.
If you are ready to ignite your inner power and true Soul Purpose, contact me info@kirsienglund.love so that we can begin our beautiful, raw and real healing journey together.
Together with the Light-Beings we will guide your way home, back to your Heart, back to your Soul Mission here on Earth.
Healing & Mentoring with Masters
Are you ready to ignite your true soul purpose?
REady to claim your power and heal yourself?
Read more about Healing & Mentoring with Masters here:
Online Courses
Would you like to know how to BUILD A BUSINESS WITH LOVE or how to build a SACRED MORNING RITUAL that is going to change your life? Or maybe you would like to dive deeper into SPIRITUALITY IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE? Check all of my Online Courses at
Enjoy reading?

Get my new BOOK ‘Open Your Fucking Heart – A Spiritual Guide to Stepping Fully into Your Power and Purpose’ HERE (US)
If you live in Europe, buy it HERE (Amazon.se).
This book is perfect for you if you are willing to walk your Spiritual Path being UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU. It will give you the tools on how to ignite your power and divine Soul Purpose.