Kirsi Englund

Be You – Be Real
Step into your healing power

Kirsi Englund is a rebel soul, who hates rules. She is a Healer, fierce Spiritual Mentor, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher and a published Author. She is also a mother of two wonderful kids (11 & 12-year-old), a business-owner, and a caring wife.

She loves luxury, sparkling wine, travel, and to have fun. Having JOY in life is the essence of her success.

Before she started her own business, she used to work as a class-teacher in Waldorf-School. She liked her job, but knew that it was not going to be her life-time career. It didn’t give her JOY. She knew that she was meant for something else. She became a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and grounded a yoga-studio in Finland, which she ran for four years. 

Later on she realized she wanted to help people on all levels, not just through yoga. So she studied to be a Life Coach. And here she is, helping you to discover your true SOUL PURPOSE and place in the world. <3

Her spiritual path started already when she was 15 years old – she loved to read all kinds of spiritual books, and somehow she just knew that spiritual world is something very REAL. She never had to second-guess it, because it all felt so natural.

After almost 20 years of diving deep into spirituality she has learnt one thing; one is never ready. There is always something more to learn, there is always a new layer. Healing never stops. 

She is originally from Finland, but now she lives in Southern-Sweden, in her husband’s home country. She speaks fluently Finnish, English and Swedish.

Are you ready to remember who you REALLY are? Kirsi can’t wait to start a healing journey with you. <3

”If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

–Milton Berle